The following items are
available from this site:
MSSA 2024 Candidate Grades
and Endorsements
Montana Supreme Court - Masters of
MSSA 2024 Candidate Questionnaires
Letter to
Mountain Line, 02/27/2023
About HB 551
Intent for SB 272, 2023
Intent for HB 197, 2023
Be Safe RFP
MSSA 2022
Candidate Grades And Endorsements
MSSA 2022
Candidate Questionnaires
to the Judicial Standards Commission
Regents v. Montana -
Briefs before the Montana Supreme Court
Comment to Board of Regents in re
Campus Carry and HB 102
Messages to
U.S. Senator Jon Tester, March, 2021
of LR-130 and HB-102
"Ban Bullock" Signs and More
About the Bullock Campaign
LR-130 - All About Legislative
Referendum 130
MSSA 2020 General Election Grades and Endorsements
MSSA 2020
Primary Election Grades and Endorsements
MSSA 2020 Candidate
MSSA 2018
General Election grades and endorsements
MSSA 2018
Primary Election grades and endorsements
Ordinance - News Release 04/12/18 about the Missoula lawsuit
Missoula Resolution - Support for Firearm Safety Education
MSSA 2018 Candidate
Questionnaires (US and State)
Attorney Candidate Questionnaire. A candidate
questionnaire that local folks may apply to county attorney
Candidate Questionnaire. A candidate questionnaire
that local folks may apply to county sheriff candidates.
Critique of Rob
Quist Gun Ad
MSSA 2016
General Election Grades and Endorsements
Trapping ban
(I-177) comment
A Guide to
Private Firearm Sales
MSSA 2016
Primary Election endorsements - legislative candidates
MSSA's 2016 Legislative Candidate Questionnaire
Proposal to Regulate Private Firearm Sales
MSSA grades for
2015 legislators
School Safety Act - an initiative of the people
Of the Tooth Fairy and the Supremacy Clause
MSSA bills before the 2015 Montana Legislature
MSSA 2014 Candidate Grades and Endorsements
MSSA 2014
Candidate Questionnaires
Health Records and the RKBA
letter in re Montana Firearms Freedom Act
Montana Onion
Public Safety v.
Private Safety
with evil corporations?
MSSA 2012
Candidate Grades and Endorsements
MSSA assessment - 2012 Republican
Primary Governor race
MSSA 2012 Candidate
Sense of the Ninth Amendment
MSSA amicus brief in US v.
MSSA Questions about FWP
sheep "sting" operation, and FWP's response.
Federalist Society
brief to SCOTUS in re the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
(.pdf file).
MSSA 2010 Legislative Candidate Questionnaire
Freedom Act" - Montana leads; many
states follow.
Sheriffs First (or no
more Wacos). This bill would make
it a state crime for a federal officer to arrest,
search, or seize in Montana without first getting the
written permission of the elected county sheriff of
the county in which the action is to take place.
Locally-elected sheriffs are accountable to the people
and are supposed to the the chief law enforcement
officer of the county, bar none. This bill puts
teeth into the expectation that federal agents must
operate with the approval of the sheriff, or not at
all. There are exceptions for "hot pursuit",
customs and border patrol, corrupt sheriffs, and more.
Department Draft Policy to protect firearm possession in
the Sheriff's county.
About military
cartridge brass destruction, 2010
MSSA 2009
legislative issues.
and unusual" weapons. An analysis of the use of
this phrase from the Heller
decision, and as applied to U.S.
v. Fincher.
The Montana take on the "collective rights" position in the D.C. v. Heller case
before the U.S. Supreme Court.
White House Conference on North American
Wildlife Policy, Reno, Nevada, October 2008.
MSSA 2008 Candidate Grades and Endorsements.
Campus guns.
A analysis of issues concerning firearms on Montana
university campuses.
Correspondence with Montana State University over their
proposed campus guns policy revision.
MSSA's gun safety program for kids.
Bills. Ideas that may some day pass the
Shooting Ranges. All about Montana
shooting ranges, range construction, liability and range
The Montana Right to Bear Arms.
Article II, Section 12, and MUCH MORE.